Tuesday, January 15, 2013

ALA Midwinter Seattle Dining Planner! @alamw13 #alamw13 #alamw #vegetarian #travel

This post has been moved to a new location at melodycondron.com.

The Beekeeping Librarian will continue to have posts, photos, and resources pertaining to gardening, urban homesteading, beekeeping, and cooking. Library-specific posts and things for librarians can be found at the new site. 

Saturday, January 5, 2013

A big, linked list of #authors at #alamw13 : Who Shall I see?

This post has been moved to a new location at melodycondron.com.

The Beekeeping Librarian will continue to have posts, photos, and resources pertaining to gardening, urban homesteading, beekeeping, and cooking. Library-specific posts and things for librarians can be found at the new site.